Anything you do in this world is binded by the most important of all equations.... For every action there is and equal and opposite reaction... If someone uses sorcery for good purposes, eventually good will be the reaction for it.. But if someone uses sorcery for evil purposes, there wont be a good reaction to it... Reaction may take days/months/years to occur.. but eventually the reaction will occur and thats the basic law of nature .... Thats one important thing that humanity should learn fat coz the harm that humans are doing to the nature ( pollution/deforestation etc...) will eventually force nature to destroy humanity....thats the sole truth
As for viruses, I can advise you to use a firewall .... e.g zone labs free zone alarm pro.. download it and ask me for a registration key... do not forget to update the firewall... i used it for a lot of time without any antivirus and with win xp..
but as a precaution use an antivirus... AVG free antivirus is quite nice..
"The foolish disregard Me, when clad in human semblance, ignorant of My supreme nature, the great Lord of beings"