Well, mine was sent to me to assist me in my magick and basically most things I asked of him; but I have to admit to being a lazy wizard and rather fond of home comforts so I have treated mine a bit like a pet, which is not his purpose. It is not their purpose at all, but hey, if I really take the trouble to ask a sensible question, I do get a good answer even if I don't understand it, the fault lies entirely with me and my own lack of proper communication skills to be honest.
They can tell you or show you where to find what you need to know but YOU have to learn how to see them and how to hear them.
If you read Tales of Two, these are day to day things that mine has told me - living proof that we are involved in day to day stuff and not doing the work - I should be ashamed of myself (IMG:
Anyway, it does show that they know things you don't - does that let me off the hook?