Good posting, oh and its wise to also use caps.
a good tegnique is to use the following:
Take the first letter of every word in this sentence:
5 cats where running in Gods 12 acre yard tearing things into 7 pieces.
the pass: 5cwriG12aytti7p
Sugh a password is easy to remember, easy to come up with, but it has great strength against hacks. You can make up your own and have a password that is well defended against hacks.
Also, i don't think it is necesary for a normal user to take different passwords on each forum. becouse a normal users account if compromised cannot do any real damage to the forums. However, an admin or moderator should never use his moderator password on another forum. It is even good practise for an admin to never use his admin account unless he has to do administrative work. it should be more than enough to have moderator priviliges to do the day te day work.
Passwords on forums like these are sent in plain text format over the internet, they are not encrypted so they can possibly be sniffed out! When an admins account is compromised in this way, the hacker has complete control over the forums! Not logging in as admin every day diminishes the chance of that happening greatly.
Another option is to move these forums over to https, then it is impossible to sniff out paswords, since they are sent over a secure ssl tunnel. If the server supports this option. However other attacks are still possible.
In LVX, Frater A.V.I.A.F.