I am making this post to ask if anyone out there has seen the same thing I came across, I was in the mall about a few year ago and then all of the sudden I felt something bad very bad, I turned to look in the direction of the feeling, when I looked I saw what looked like a man but his aura was pitch black and felt of pure malice.This aura was so strong I felt nauseous and very dizzy, i'm not easily scared or a child I was 25 so this kind of reaction was very weird. Then I same him up close as he passed by and that really startled me, his eyes weren't right they were black and gold and his teeth were all sharp shaved to a point. for awhile I thought maybe he had just modified his body a lot but that doesn't explain his aura and the awful feeling he gave me.
thanks for reading and thanks for and info you might have, sincerely Synner