Balance. This comes back in everything
First find the balance in Theoretical studies and Practical studies. You need a lot of theoretical knowledge as well as a lot of practical experience. In the beginning you can start with gaining basic experience in many forms such as doing Reiki, Yoga or some other energetic teaching. When you go deeper and deeper you will also need theoretical knowledge as a solid foundation to fall back on.
Don't just read how to do a basic excercise, but do it as well. Are you following a path in life then read more about it to get new ideas about what there is and how it works in rough outlines. Thing is...people can wright all the long lists of practices and all the things they "know"...but in the end...that what someone else knows is useless to you. All is energy and can be manipulated and interpetated differently by everyone. So what is true to one is not true for the other. One sees many layers on the astral for easier catagorizing and understanding and one just sees one layer and has no interest in manmade complexity.
That is also how I "guide" people. Give them the tools they need with basic know-how and the rest they have to figure out themselves. So I say Balance and frequent self-confrontation/introspect is what is needed as well as Discipline and Perseverance. Finding a balance in your ego/personality and the mind/will.
I also agree with Esoterica to some degree. People make it all more complex then needed, but hey...what suits you. I mean that which you feel most associated with has more impact on you and if you want it complex then do so. Doing energywork/magick etc is really simple and you don't need all those enochian/goetia rituals to summon angels/daemons and other deities. Just try stuff out and experiment. Start with a simple energy ball, reading some minds and emotions, channeling energy from the sun and nature around you and store it in your body, having impact on the weather and behaviour of people and move your way up gradually.
And most importantly...Enjoy the path your walking on
This post has been edited by Sabazel: Mar 27 2006, 01:42 AM
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