Hello. I've recently been reading about AP and attempting it unsuccessfully; it's not the issue however. I've come across stories and situations from people that have actually successfully astral projected and afterwards occurrences that are deemed abnormal and/or strange begin to occur for these people, such as seeing dark shadows or having generally negative things happen to them.
From what I've read, nothing could hurt you in the astral realm, so why is it that these things happen to these people? I'm quite apprehensive to continue attempting astral projection if these occurrences have a possibility of occurring in my life. I simply am not prepared to deal with such things. I do however, wish to make contact with my HS or spiritual guardian(s) and I was told they may be contacted through the astral realm.
I'll appreciate everyone's opinions on the subject, but if someone quite experienced in AP or truly know why these strange occurrences transpire, I will greatly appreciate your explanations.
Thank you.