Greetings Naimi!
Welcome to the Forum!
I have no idea as to your experience/knowledge of the occult arts so it is difficult to give you a comprehensive answer.
From what I can ascertain you have little basic groundwork for working the Enochian system. There are a number of good books/articles outlining the Enochian system. Therein the authors will give you an idea or loose framework of meditative guides through the Aethyrs. Since magic tends to be quite subjective, what you see during the working depends on a number of factors, yourself being the largest one. Using the Calls correctly will help corroborate others experiences with your own. Not using the system methods can be extremely unpredictable...and, possibly, dangerous. The first decent books I can think of are by the scheulers...though others here will disagree...needless to say, find yourself a good book that explains the ins and outs of Enochian magic (NOT a quick guide!!!) and meditate upon blending your needs/goals and the methods involved before taking the plunge. IMHO, of course! *grin*
Residual effects from the magic current you touched or stirred within yourself will reoccur unless you have properly banished or made provisions for an extended working. It takes intention to start the ball rolling! For some, I suspect like yourself, it takes only a nudge to get it started. By now you should have a way of stopping it or keeping it under control. Just a suggestion.
I'm sure the others here will be more than happy to give some good advice! Good journey! (IMG:
PS: I apologize if my post sounded or implied condescension in any way. I'm not here to judge. I love using a black mirror also and, in my youth, was fairly acquainted with a ouija board....