More likely it is subconscious issues surfacing in the absence of a busy mind. It is only the constant buzz of inconsequential thoughts that keeps us separated from communicating directly with our unconscious. Likely these things will continue for a while, I would suggest simply acknowledging the images when they come, and then patiently letting them go. It is important not to assign any special significance or other form of attachment to them, as this prevents you from letting that material out of your unconscious for good. If you would like to keep a record of the images you see, you may later be able to make some sense of them, but given the commonplace nature of the phenomenon, I would say that you are not being attacked by any entity or person just based on that experience.
Keep in mind that there is plenty of negative stuff in our own unconscious, and that it can surface under many different circumstances, either in the form of relief as in a cathartic experience that may be frightening but also alleviates worries or fears about ourselves, or something more traumatic such as a disease, accident, etc. Meditation is another way in which we come into contact with these things. If we confront them, and then dismiss them - not repress, but consciously identify and release without attachment - then they will no longer trouble us and overtime that 'trash' will decompress and we'll start to get more insight into the unconscious mind. These can be flashes of images like you described, they can be sudden anxiety attacks, usually associated with some particular fixation, they can be obsessions which you formerly were not aware of, they can be repressed emotions like anger, hate, even love and simple lustful attraction. Take it all in stride.
Eliminate all other possibilities before jumping to the conclusion that you are under attack. Always, as a rule of thumb. Because for one, the likliehood of being attacked by another magical practitioner, unless you knowingly slighted another practitioner in some serious way, is simply barely worth considering in most cases. Astral parasites don't so much attack as slowly drain, and in any case are usually disturbed or removed by simply regular rituals like the LBRP and MP rituals. Non-corporeal entities almost always have some specific reason to attack you, the chances of attracting their ire is also fairly limited unless you make a habit of digging up graves, despoiling homes, and other associated disruptive activities. Don't summon dangerous entities without protection, always stipulate the 'harm no one in the making of this magical act' disclaimer, and for the most part you'll avoid being attacked by anything you've evoked or invoked. Don't create servitors out of jealousy, anger, hate, etc., and they will more than likely not turn on you. After that you've pretty much got your bases covered.
Keep on meditating, deal with these images as suggested, and over time you'll come to know yourself a lot better. Always remember to keep a level head.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.