This also makes me think what if as consous beings we are really a god's children stuck in a play bin (our reality) and our porpose is to develope godling intellect to prepare us for real reality (reality of a god, the god what ever thingy). That thought the very thing it self is god incarnate. My head's starting hurt.
thats the paradigm ive been working from for several years now.
though i feel like humanity as a whole is the godling that will someday emerge into 'real reality'.
this is like trying to pierce the veil of Ain via rational discourse, there is no way we can really fathom what 'real reality' is, and i suppose in my case its a matter of believing that no human alone will ever experience 'real reality', but someday we will be living that reality as a whole
and then... what if it aint just humanity, but instead all of the universe as we know it. i mean, we can measure the behavior and such of distant galaxies/stars/quasars whatever, but we really have no conception of how it all works as a whole, and my intuition leads me to believe that everything we think we know about an objective reality is little more than a mass projection. in other words, the galaxies and 'universe' as we know it are also a part of us as a lil godling...
though maybe its pointless to go that far...
if the other galaxies are the other entities and gods, then we are still a little baby looking around and seeing all kinds of life forms but having no concept that we are the same as them. parts of us are trying to make contact though, mystics/shamans/magicians/whatever, but for the most part we are prolly really cute and goofy looking from the perspective of those other entities out there.
wow this stuff is pretty rad to talk about
and whats this about texans now? does me being a texan give me an edge in my magickal workings? i dont see much will power in any of my fellow texans... but perhaps im just projecting that... theres that power of belief again...
This post has been edited by Parsifal: Apr 8 2005, 07:22 PM