(NOTE: This ritual employs the names of deities from several different Native American tribes.)
The Shamanic Cross Stand and face east. Imagine a brilliant white light touching the top of your head. Reach up with the index finger or blade of a dagger to connect with the light and bring it to the forehead.
Touch the forehead and say: "To WAKANDA." Touch the breast and say: "To MICHAB0." Touch the right shoulder and say: "To IOSKEHA." Touch the left shoulder and say: 'To WHOPE." Clasp the fingers over the breast and say: "And to all the Ancestors, I give thanks."
The Pentagrams Face east. Use dagger or the index finger of the right hand to trace a large lesser banishing pentagram. As you do so, vibrate "WABUN." Go to the south and draw the same pentagram while vibrating: "MANITOU." Go to the west and draw the same pentagram whle vibrating: "KABUN." Go to the north and trace the pentagram whle vibrating: "INNUA."
Invocation Return to the east and stand in the position of the Tau Cross. Say: "Before me, SILA, of the air. Behind me, AULANERK, ruler of waves. On my right hand, ABABINILII of the flames. On my left hand, NOKOMIS, the Grandmother. For about me are the Four Winds, and upon me shines UTEA." Repeat the Shamanic Cross as in the beginning.