Often when we're down and miserable, we dwelled and focused on the things we do not currently have, things we lack and covet, things we "think and convinced" ourselves we "need" and "must have". We nurtured our SELF PITY. In truth, it is "nice" to have wealth, love and other gratifications but do we really need them - whatever it is? Probably not. Nothing is a "must have". It is all preferences. We have our build-in senses, even if not all five or six, and we also have a huge selections of emotions we CAN CHOOSE to experience,
or to remember. That's one of the greatest power we possess. In short, to live IMHO, is to choose and to experience. We are truly the master of our own ship, and this ship needs constant navigation so our mind can stay on track in order to arrive at our happy destinations.
But our build-in self pity and ego are constantly barraging us every minutes with strong influences from the inside to be greedy, envious, and lustful - to get this, more this and that, and when satisfied, there is even more and more! Then we get depressed, stressed, clingy, angry and disappointed when we/other people/situation cannot fulfill our desires - and we often forgotten of how lucky we actually are to have so many things around us we are blessed with and we carelessly had taken it for granted. There are so many wonderful things we have in abundance which other people lacking it may envy - and yet, we've ignored it, belittle it, rarely acknowledge it, nor truly enjoying the things we already had, well deserved, or had been generously blessed with.
The future is purchased by the present, never the past. To succeed and to be happy, it is what we selectively choose to DO -
now - repeatedly - that really matters. Gratitudes helps puts our mind into the state of NOW, it gives us a positive mental environment condusive for positive growth we all need.
So, please take a few minutes now to contemplate on this simple questions.
What are you grateful for?
What/who do you love and cherish in your life?
Who loves you?
And how does that makes you feel? Make a daily habit of asking these questions honestly to yourself and it will help you find gratitude in your life.
One from many simple things I am blessed is that I am grateful for having a very sweet, gentle, caring, happy and playful Shih Tzu dog. She is extremely loyal and loved me so much, unconditionally and without reserve with those big black innocent eyes and a gentle facial expressions. She simply is beautiful. How she followed me around everywhere I go and giving complete attentions to whatever I do as if she only live to love me. I am grateful for the daily showers of love and affections she gave, on how she can make me break countless smiles and laughter on a daily basis, with her happy lion dances when I get back home as if she had not seen me for weeks, with her gentle nudge asking me to hold and hug her, play with her toys together, or take her out for a walk or a drive, with her head tilting in a very cute way to the left and to the right as if she was listening intently and understood whatever I say to her. She was never demanding, nor manipulative as if she is teaching me how to receive and return love without my usual agenda (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/13.gif) I am truly grateful for the pure, innocent love she showed, shared and gave me. Truly indeed.
Please do share with us your gratitudes.