There is a book named 'Angel Magic' by James Geoffrey that contains table after table of the diffrent scripts over the ages that have been developed, several with the title celestial script, some more specific. I don't have the book anymore, but I wish I did, the tables alone made the book an invaluable reference tool. To my advantage my Godbrother works with a particular angel to, which apparently was something of a scribe in heaven, and he found himself taking the charge and copied down all of them in a personal book he grants me limited access to...(I must keep it within his eyesight). But to anyone intristed in using the scripts, thats the best suggestion I can make. I have even found a book since then that included many diffrent cultures of writing that have been used for magickal practices, and it didn't even contain many of the scripts contained in that book... †Christopher Raven†
"Now I want, spirits to enforce and art to enchant, and my ending is dispair, unless I be relieved by prayer...And as you from your crimes would pardoned be, let your indulgence set me free" W.S. The Tempest - Pospero