Good day, I would not say I'm proficient but I have read several texts and have been known to incorporate aspects when a spell would benefit. Hear are the books I have read and a link to where they can be found, if you need something more or another book, I'm in position of some great number of them so feel free to contact me.
Golden chain of homer:
The Six Keys of Eudoxus:
Turba Philosophorum:
This post has been edited by Radiant Star: Sep 11 2006, 01:41 AM
Cosmic consciousness is devoid of diversity; yet the universe of diversity exists in notion.... We contemplate that reality in which everything exists, to which everything belongs, from which everything has emerged, which is the cause of everything and which is everything.... The light of [this] self-knowledge alone illumines all experiences. It shines by its own light. This inner light appears to be outside and to illumine external objects.
-Sage Vasishtha