I insist on makeing the time. As part of my stalking my own ego i had found that one of my faults is sort of an artistic downfall. i get bored with nearly anything fast. So to counter this and become the person i want i read a book cover to cover before moveing on and also i stick with a path of interest for very extended time. If i was to choose something to make a lifes work it would have to be Tibetan studies of dream yoga and magiick. I have gone further and reached more goals from tibetan practices than anything. There are nine branches of yoga inportant to the tibetans and all are right up my path. Some of these include the practice of the night, trance runners,Bon shamanism, and on and on. Its a lifes work and i love it. My interests of course are variied but the only other interest that holds me to the end it Templar history and secrets. I have learned much of the world from the Templar and im infatuated.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law". Abrahadabra
Om Bhur Bhuva Suvah Tat Savithur Varenyam Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat