As i tried gathering heat from space to create a psiball i saw something very strange. It appeared for only an instant. Like in my intro post i mentioned i can draw heat from anywhere regardless of distance. This is what happened and in the steps.
1.) I held my open hands above my head (seperate) 2.) heat gathered in the area around my hands (30 - 45 seconds) 3.) I brought my hands together to form a ball around the heat with my hands together. ( O position with hands) 4.) At this point the area between my hands started to give off tremendous amounts of heat. 5.) I turned 1 hand to where my hands formed a closed "C". (closed C hand position)
The point where i was at the closed "C" is when i saw this real strange bubble. It looked almost like a perfect solid but it was a bubble with other bubbles attached to it and it was black. This stayed that way for mayb 8 or 9 seconds and then it was gone like it was never there.
Any ideas on what i saw and why it looked the way it did?