This is from a friend of mine (J-Dog) who currently is not a member...
If you have any questions regarding this post ask and I will direct them to him and post the response...
Okay so here's what happened folks: I summoned andromalius today so he could return some (serious) property to me.
I planned to do it around 5 this morning but due to me being up till 3, I got around to doing it around 10am.
I went out to this place that I usually go to for any kind of working and I had knew that I was going to get some form of opposition or something on the way there. That's why it came as to no surprise when I had seen cops in the place that I was going.
The place that I'm talking about is this old strip of road that is cut off but if your car gets stolen here in East New York, this is the place to go because the theives take the cars there to strip them and burn them and that was why the po-lice was there.
So I took an alternate route in there and ended up running in the cops. I thought that if they were going to wave their rite to search my backpack and find all my equipment, tools, I would have alot of explaining to do.
But the cop just asked me if I was going through and left me alone.
I made like I left but snuck back in when they were finally gone.
The place that I was setting up for my operation is off this half trail and in the thick grove of woods where I would be undisturbed.
I had been there a few days before to construct my circle and triangle on a few pieces of wood and inscribe the names of god and of angels that I believed in.
So finally I get there and set up everything, I really had with my my wand, colored candles associated with each element, a notebook to jot down info,my copy of the goetia, and my own version of the "bornless" rite.
I put my document that was associated with my loss (with the sigil on back) in the triangle and another sigil on top of it.
The only weird thing that happened was when I had performed the LBRP a spooky gust of wind brushed through the thicket; almost blowing out my candles.
No biggie but being that I was nervous of being found (I mean it was broad day and a bum could of been passing through), that I had messed up my bornless rite and sacred words and pentagrams and such and I had to repeat this process for about 4 times.
Okay so, when I had finally called Andro-nothing out of the ordinary happened (no feeling of fear, change of pressure, etc)
But finally, what appeared to be a huge snake appeared in the triangle. It was there but not there (I don't know if that's what yall refer to as astral?)
And this whispering, growling tone for a voice asked what did I want?
I had asked if it was who I had summoned and it said, yes.
Not believing what I was seeing and thinking that it was of my own mental state, I called Andro- again and when I had closed my eyes, this vision of a great white bulldog was looking at me panting. I was like woah!
Okay, so I had asked it (him?) if he could do the things that my book said he could and in a smart ass tone he said, "what do you think."
I got mad and used my wand and commanded him (claiming authority by GOD ofcourse) for him to answer honestly and to give yes or no answers.
When I had asked againg, in the triangle (in the same lucid vision) was this 4 foot elvish dude with something on his head and from behind him, coming from the trees, I heard a childish voice, saying "yes".
Then I had explained my situation and charged him to return what was mine in full w/out harm to me, friends and fam.
He did request that he wanted energy from my wand so he could do what he needed to do and I was thinking (God-damn,I didn't know that it was that powerful), so I pointed the damned thing at the triangle until I heard him say that was enough.
I would explain more but the rest of what was worked out is a private matter.
But I will say that after my charge, I had given him the license to depart and performed the LBRP again.
I stayed in my circle and still felt like he was still there so when I had asked if he was, (in the same vision) appeared this big white rabbit, twixing his nose.
I had commanded it to leave (more firmly this time) and on his way he was not to hurt, animals, people or plants and he left.
I did my lbrp again and thanked GOD for being there with me and waited in the circle until I felt he was gone (five or six minutes) then I got out, picked up my crap and left.
Now I don't know if what I had experienced was really real or what and I will tell you guys that he didn't test my circle or tempt me. At first I felt his connection but it wasn't strong enough and that was why I had to call him a few more times.
I found him to be alil difficult but I hope that things will work out from there.
I want you guys to know that it wasn't my first choice to post this here because I don't want it to seem like it's cool to do this sought of thing for other beginning people on this site.
When I had first came here, there were many goetic posts on here and the overall feeling that I got from them was that of people talking about these beings as if they were collecting pokemon and that disturbed me.
And I am new to this and I wouldn't of done this if my personal situation hadn't call for it (believe me, it has) and I don't want to encourage this type of thing to beginners looking for a possible easy way to do things just because my experience was okay-to say the least.
And just because things went okay for me (and hopefully, I get what I want!!),doesn't mean that I am going to use the goetia for my problems.
I had intended to share this exp. with a person on here but for some reason they turned off their private messenging.
So I felt that it was the next best thing to post this to you guys.
And I hope that onlyexperienced people in magic look at this and reply with their thoughts.
Thank you