Franz Bardon's works (minus Frabato and Memories) are invaluable especially to those wanting non-ritualized work. Also anything by Rawn Clark is great supplementary for F.B.
Paul Foster Case has some really great works such as, The Tarot, The Book of Tokens, The True and Invisible Rosicrucian Order, etc.
Just last month I finished reading a very fascinating book by David Allen Hulse titled New Dimensions for the Cube of Space. I haven't seen many people talking about it, but it gives an outstanding view of the cube and its relationship with the 22 tarot keys from the B.O.T.A. deck. It shows the complete journey of the soul around the cube, and in the back it has a little tear out cube that you can fold together to help use a follow along guide as you read.
"The greater his task, the meeker a man must be. The sharper his skill, the humbler his heart." -Tanomo Saigo