i'm trying to work in this new wild paradigm where moon=mother; sun=father and earth=house, and the view is like that of a younger, only child living in that house with tender loving parents, but no gods, goddesses or anyone to call on but yourself - very humbling!
i'm curious as to the associations you all apply as to the moon, sun and earth
so what are your views of moon, sun and earth, and are they different from the mainstream? what is the mainstream view perzactly?
could you be without your godforms for even one day? do you do the magic or do they? (guess that depends on the tradition)
and are the moon, sun and earth (and even sky) symbolic reps of godforms, or godforms themselves, or humanized objects, or just physical objects?
why night and not day? is it possible to speak to the sun like the moon? - all i get is a deep-toned modulated hiss like radiation or something
i'd really like to know what they mean to you all as i wonder if i should continue this investigation or shelve it - i think i'm having godform withdrawals