My brother and I were recently talking about our interests in different faiths when I got interested in enochian . He had a few books on the subject and so I looked them over . One by Tyson and another by Schueler yet I had more questions. Anyways I read some posts about John Dee's Five Books of Mystery and found it fascinating so I went looking for the book around town. No one had the book instock I was about to give up when my brother and I came to one last shop and I found it there . Now I'm just starting out but I will use prayer as a starter . That said I find the information on this site very informative and useful so my Thanks in advance . My brother has a wax seal of Sigillum Dei Aemeth and he suggested that I put my amethyst crystal ball on it . I'm thinking about it but I don't want to mess up the wax seal . Do you think it will help ? Secondly since I'm still learning about the calls and squares besides reading the books and praying scrying is new to me any suggestions on how long a scrying session should last I know Dee and Kelly had hours to do it . Does it matter what time i do it morning or evening ? What time do you usually do your enochian work ? I read some good articles on grounding and banishing on the nec forum on this site Ashnook , Bym ,and many others on this site are a joy to read . So thankyou and all replies welcome . I'm reading Dee's five books of mystery right now any opinions suggestions welcome . :beer: