QUOTE(BrotherM @ Jan 25 2007, 06:37 AM)
Please explain, it kind of sounds like you are doing the RC but with pents?
I am not sure I agree with the comment of the LBRP being entirely Astral. It should feel 'Liquid' and very real. I suggest that the tearing feeling is actually your Astral sense developing. Definately a good sign, keep it up man
Not familiar with the RC? Or at least, not familiar enough to recognize it by the abbreviation - is that "Rosy Cross?"
My ritual is more of a deep meditation, as I don't use tools, and instead of vibrating names I emnate energy with a vibration of various phrases identifying my own divine center as the creatrix of existence, which are spoken in my own 'language of desire'. I developed it after a few years using the LBRP based on paradigm changes taking place that were distancing my connection to that classic ritual.
I begin by acknowledging my center, around the solar plexus. I raise the vibration of each chakra, and then pull energy down through the solar plexus into a flat planed nonogram, nine pointed star, one point for each eventual direction. It used to be seven, then I was able to get my head around two more. Astrally this looks like a nine pointed star radiating out from my plexus. I channel elemental air into the structure, and then press outwards from my solar plexus, but not in the sense that the structure is moved independently but rather that, as flyingmojo seemed to talk about, the space tat the symbol occupied bends outwards into a semisphere facing east. The phrase I vibrate outwards, which warps the plane into a semisphere by creating a wave-like pressure, means, "I am the elemental air" (the word I have composed for "I am" more specifically indicates the true observer within the individual, rather than the composite self; the ineffable awareness)
I perform the same process in each of cardinal directions, their traditional elemental attributes respected, with similar phrases, "I am the elemental Fire/Earth/Water"
The hemisphere in the upward direction is imbued with the concept of the Higher World, or the Supernal sphere, and is vibrated with "I am the Supernal Light"; the opposite direction, "I am Existence Manifest".
Then it breaks from normal routine. The last three directions don't analog to 3-d space. The first one is easy enough, but instead of a hemisphere, it's a nonogram warped into a sphere around my center, which is vibrated outwards to encompass the plane of Time with, "I am the Ages Past/Present/Future".
The eighth direction is situated, as the omnimancers described it aptly, 90 degrees from the other seven. It's a sort of expansion through the multiverse, taking into its account he existence of paralell universes. It also is a complete sphere like the seventh direction, and is vibrated with "I am all possibility-to-manifest"
the last direction is indescribable, it's another 'ninety degree' turn from the 8 directions, and could mabe very roughly be referred to as chaos, but that seems like more of a placeholder descriptor than an accurate translation. I vibrate my own sacred name.
I get a sense of my litteral center of being having been warped outwards in so many layers that my awareness exceeds my personal space of physical existence. Most of the time I simply meditate here, create and uncreate new ideas, existences, explore paralell lives, hunt down past lives, seek out future possibilities, or manage universes within my being. Wild as it sounds, I'm the first one to admit that when i'm there, it's absolutely real, even more real than this reality is real, but when systematically collapse my sphere, and then 'wake up' it always takes me a minute to remember who/what/where/when/how/why I am.
And the whole world is always dead quiet for a moment, or maybe i'm simply momentarily unable to be cognizant in the normal sense until I readjust.
I only started using this technique a few months ago, but it worked the first time and has become more effective each time since. I practice it at least once daily.
I tried simply opening my eyes and interrupting the process a few times, but when i do I just sit there like a vegetable staring at nothing, totally empty, either unable or simply supremely disinclined to reorient myself onto normal consciousness. It does pass after a while, though, but it's hard to say how long. It's like the sphere begins to shrink, but doesn't just disappear right away. I suppose it's similar to the mindset one has when you interrupt a very deep meditation.
So, there's my method. You can see the paralells with the LBRP in the first six directions, elemental attributes, and pattern of projection/vibration, but that's pretty much where it ends. The method I use to stir the chakras is similar to the QC opening ritual for the LBRP, not by it's similarity of process, but in that it establishes a structure of light around me - I expand each chakra to encompass me, effectively layering each one over the others to create a spherical consciousness.
By comparison, the QC always used to establish a sense of having a six directional 'cross' in my field, with each of the following six pentagrams situated at the end of each arm of the cross of light. In a way it established a 'base structure' for a cube.