Maybe. Theoretically speaking, if I place a love spell on someone I could, actually, be placing an idea in my mind that I am right for that person or that they like me. Because I show confidence in the spell as well as myself, it comes true. On the reverse side, if I place a death spell on someone to kill them, I could really just be placing it on my own mind. I then believe that they are going to die and, because of my confidence towards it, their subconscious picks up on it (maybe making them weary of thinsg or, more likely, frightened) and causes it (their death) to happen.
The only problem I can see with this is the objective results of cvertain things. If I do a wealth spell, sure, I could be casting it on myself which allows me to have confidence and, in turn, get a well respected and well-paying job, BUT if, on the other hand, I spontaneously inherit money from some relative I did not know about then how was my psyche able to effect them/that event? Confidence/psychology doesn't seem to give a good enough explination for it.
If, on the other hand, you are referring somewhat to the wiccan 3-fold law or Karma, then that could be true. If I do a happiness spell on a friend, I am effected by it as well. This could be explained psychologically, but, for argument's sake, let's just assume it is a paranormal/supernatural occurance. If I, instead, use a curse on somebody, would I be cursing myself? The only times I have heard of this happening is when the person who casts the spell doesn't truly wish harm on the person they aim at. That or they cannot truly justify it to themselves/ to the tradition they follow.
This seems to be a very good question. I hope to see other people's answer/ a broder explination by the topic-starter.