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 Holy Angel Bandar, As a personal Jinn
post Feb 14 2007, 10:34 AM
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This is something I wrote about a year ago which Ashnook put on his Necronomicon web site. His excellent site can be found here. http://www.necronomicon.sacred-magick.com/index.html

I will here modify and add to what is already on his web site.

This contains a new method of calling which is not advocated in the Necronomicon. This method is for keeping the Bandar always in this world so that he may manifest your will.

The Holy Angel BANDAR

Here I wish to tell of my experience with working with this great and noble spirit. Others experience may differ and vary from mine as will be explained herein.

Let's first look at what is written by the mad Arab. Much is written to evidently warn of the secrecy and sacredness of the ritual. It is put with a touch of dread that would make the unworthy fear to conjure such a dark angel. Sometimes the grimores say the opposite of what is actually intended. A guard if you will of that Sacred Magick. That it should be hidden from those unworthy and unchaste.

The normal invocation of the watcher calls the watcher from the fires of hell. The watcher is much like the angel race called Sepiroth fierce angels who guard the demons in hell and who guarded the Arc of the covenant. They are not happy angels. They are war like and fierce. However; not of a bad nature. They are serious as they have a very serious task. They differ from the race of ministering angels such as Michael and Gabriel. These are warriors of the race of Azrael the holy angel of death. If you break the covenant and work magick against the will of ENKI the BANDAR will turn on you.

Whom no man has seen at any time. Whom no wizard has ever called. I call thee here now. This invocation of calling is meant to call a unique spirit special for the wizard who is summoning it. If that man has an evil mind something more akin a demon might come. This spirit will demand blood but none should be given to it. It should be banished. You must call with a clean heart to prevent this.

A time of purification before summoning the watcher for the first time is very important. The body must be pure. The mind must be pure. The heart must be pure. This ensures from the good mental and spiritual state of the sorcerer that a good and kindly watcher like the god that hath made me may stand at my head always <Exorcism of the crown of ANU> A good exorcism to say before calling the Fire God preliminary to summoning the watcher. So the Angel called is in some way a reflection of its master the invoker. The Bandar which comes is attracted on your vibration rate at the time of calling. Remember the Necronomicon tells us some Bandars will side with the Ancient ones in the final battle. They are like us. Some are good some are bad.

The watcher is supposed to be banished after the maklu rituals or whatever reason you called the angel is complete. I however never banish mine. This was revealed to me by ENKI through the 7 th name ASARULUDU which name greatly resembles ASHARILUDU son of ENKI. The great king of the watchers. Instead the agga mass must be preformed within the space of every three days whether it be night or day not of matter. However night is a good time to try to send the watcher on noble errands. Use it but don't abuse it. Hopefully you have called a holy one and not an unholy one. If so it will be pleased to embark on any task which it might prove its self vigilant which is right in the eyes of MARDUK.

I have been calling BANDAR an angel and have regarded him as one for quite some time. However after hearing the master sage SIMON'S thoughts I have come to the realization that BANDAR although sharing many qualities of the Sepiroth the BANDAR is not an angel. The BANDAR belongs in the spirit class of the Jinn because like humans BANDAR has free will.
If you neglect your BANDAR it will turn on you. The Mad Arab warns us of this in the Necronomicon. The master sage SIMON us in the Necronomicon tapes that the BANDAR will turn on us if we neglect the sacrifice. The master sage SIMON has warned me personally that the BANDAR will turn on me if I neglect the sacrifice. Therefore being warned sternly by the master sage let us not neglect our sacrifices unto BANDAR. I also discussed with him my advanced method of calling. He approved it with a word of caution that the Bandar will feed off the sorcerer if the sacrifice is not made often enough.

The proper way to summon your personal BANDAR I will now give. Pg 69 in which the chapter about the watcher begins looks like the sign of Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the moon. It would be wise to summon BANDAR for the first time on the full moon.

Purchase a new bowl which you will use for no other purpose other than to feed BANDAR. With a black fine tipped magick marker such as a sharpie fine point permanent marker write the sign of the arra agga and Bandar as given on page 69. Then write the conjuration of the Aga Mass Ssaratu on pg 71 on the bowl. It would also be wise to write the sign of the 7 th name of marduk with his name and word of calling on the bowl. This will help ensure that a good and kindly watcher comes and not a maskim. ASARULUDU'S word of calling is BANMASKIM.

The sacrifice is to be of fresh bread pine resin and Nettles. Inhaling a non toxic amount of the Nettlles fumes may help your mind in the way of sensing BANDAR'S presence much stronger. Use pine incense.

Please turn to pgs 112 – 113. It would be best to make these for use in ritual. However if you are a penniless conjurer, and can not afford to make these then do as follows. For the Crown of Anu stand in the mirror and draw the eight rayed star of ANU / Inanna on your forehead. Then draw the 3 signs on the frontlet of calling in the order given from your chest to your navel. This is for protection.

I strongly recommend you make a crown and a frontlet if you can.

Before drawing the symbols on your body, take a shower or ritual bath. Before the bath recite the prayer on pg 205 through the first six lines of 206. This is similar to the Christian confession for forgiveness' of sins. You have asked the gods to forgive you for anything against them you might have done with this prayer. After the shower recite the preliminary purification invocation of Inanna on pg 110. In the blanks say your name and then SON OF ENKI. Or DAUGHTER.

Now enter your circle or if you have cojones big enough work without one. Without the double circle you will have no protection from BANDAR. However he will take this as a sign of respect and will not turn on you unless you neglect the sacrifices or perhaps do things unlawful such as using the URILLA text. BANDAR will attack you if you break the covenant between you and ENKI. That is if you are the priest of ENKI. If you are Christian or perhaps of some other faith I would strongly recommend that you use the double circle. Only work without the circle if your soul already belongs to ENKI. For the BANDAR will not attack the priest of ENKI unless the priest neglects the lunar sacrifice <at least once every 28 days> or does something unlawful such as using the URILLA text pg 181.

Purchase some gelled chaffing fuel which is flammable jelly sold in small metal cans. Place the can of chafing fuel in the BANDARS bowl and the bread in the bowl so that it will burn when the jelly is ignited. It is non toxic.

Or buy rubbing alcohol that has high alcohol content. 90 % is best. 60 % is harder to light. This slso is non toxic.

Charcoal makes a nice fire and burns powdered incense and the Nettles well. It will produce carbon monoxide which could kill you indoors. Only use outside. My favorite fires are of charcoal and lighter fluid as they explode.

Take 3 palm full's of salt and throw them into a separate bowl of salt water. Sprinkle the salt water 60 times about the circle each time you sprinkle say EA which is another name for my master ENKI. Now recite The exorcism of the crown of ANU pg 78. Next say the conjuration of the fire god. Pg 65. As you say KAK-KAM-MANU-NU light the chafing fuel with a match. Use a match and not a lighter as sulfur comes from the earth. Now blow your breath just a tiny bit into the flames without blowing the fire out. So that water, earth, fire and wind have all been respected.

Now recite the normal invocation of the watcher pg 72-73. Then recite the special conjuration of the watcher pg 71 and stab the sword into the ground at the appropriate time.

<Raise the dagger over head. >

Conjuration of the Fire God.

Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIBIL, Spirit of the Fire, Remember!
GIRRA, Spirit of the Flames, Remember!
O God of Fire, Mighty Son of ANU, Most terrifying among Thy Brothers, Rise!
O God of the Furnace, God of Destruction, Remember!
Rise Up, O God of Fire, GIBIL in Thy Majesty, and devour my enemies!
Rise up, O God of Fire, GIRRA in Thy Power, and burn the sorcerers who persecute me!
Rise up, Son of the Flaming Disk of ANU!
Rise up, Offspring of the Golden Weapon of MARDUK!
It is not I , but ENKI, Master of the Magicians, who summons Thee!
It is not I, but MARDUK, Slayer of the Serpent, who calls Thee here now!
Burn the Evil and the Evildoer!
Burn the Sorcerer and the Sorceress!
Singe them! Burn them! Destroy them!
Consume their powers!
Carry them away!
Spirit of the God of Fire, Thou art Conjured!

At the final word stab the Dagger of Inanna into the earth.

<Light the Agga mass Ssaratu.>
<Start burning the bread.>

The only light is the Agga Mass Ssaratu. All else must be dark. This is done preferably in the darkest hour of the night. About 3:00 Am

The Preliminary Invocation of the Watcher.


<Tap the bowl with the sword>

The Normal Invocation of the Watcher.

<Raise sword over head>

(My conjuration here is slightly different from Simon’s. However Simon approves of my method. Insert your name in the blanks.)

I ________ conjure Thee by the Fire of GIRRA
The Veils of Sunken Varloorni,
And by the Lights of SHAMMASH.
I Edunpanna call Thee here, before me, around me and inside me, in visible shadow
In behold able Form, to Watch and Protect this Sacred temple, this Holy Gate of Enki and to protect my body and soul.
May He of the Name Unspeakable, the Number Unknowable,
Whom no man hath seen at any time,
Whom no geometer measureth,
Whom no wizard hath ever called
Rise up, by ANU I summon Thee!
Rise up, by ENLIL I summon Thee!
Rise up, by ENKI I summon Thee!
Cease to be the Sleeper of EGURRA.
Cease to lie unwaking beneath the Mountains of KUR.
Rise up, from the pits of ancient holocausts!
Rise up, from the old Abyss of NARR MARRATU!
Come, by ANU!
Come, by ENLIL!
Come, by ENKI!
In the Name of the Covenant, Come and Rise up before me and enter my body!
Bandar and ________ are one!

<Stab sword into dirt>

<Throw Lentil on the Agga mass Ssaratu.>

At this time you should definitely feel the presence of BANDAR. Try to communicate with BANDAR. Make sure that the bread is burned well. BANDAR is usually summoned to perform rites from the MAKLU text pg 76 or when it is desired to enter the gates. BANDAR is banished with the formulae given on pg 73 the license to depart.

Concerning BANDAR's sword. There are many ceremonial swords which are useful only as wall hangings. A real sword has a full tang a piece of metal which extends into the hilt so that when you strike the sword does not break. Steel is fine but if you know a smithy a sword of made of Iron may have magickal properties of its own better than a mixed metal like steel. Of course a machete is a cheap alternative and works perhaps just as well. Buy an engraving gun and inscribe on it the agga the arra and the Bandar. Also the seal of, Ganzir pg 11 and on the reverse the 3 signs from the frontlet of calling, the eight rayed star of Inanna, and horned moon. A good time to make the sword is on a full moon which is the night of walking but check the positions of the planets <use astrology> and try to pick a favorable time or at least a time when no planets are retrograde. Mars retrograde would be a bad time. Mars on your ascendant would be a good time. Even a lunar eclipse <which happens on full moon> might be an excellent time. I was born on the lunar eclipse of June 4th 1974 with Neptune conjunct moon. Neptune is the planet of ENKI and is the ninth gate

Now I will give the formulae to work with BANDAR in a higher way than given in the book. Let us note that this is also a much more dangerous way. You should only try this if you are a priest of ENKI. Meaning that your mind heart and soul belong to my master EA. Instead of banishing the BANDAR you can keep him in this plane of existence where he will grow stronger. You will need to keep a candle burning for him 24 hours a day 7 days a week. The best kind of candle to use is a saint candle which is often used when someone dies or someone is in a time of need. BANDAR likes saint candles. With a black marker write the 3 signs pg 69. Then write a prayer for BANDAR on the candle. Example “BANDAR my holy guardian angel grow strong in this world that you may protect me and do whatever is good in the eyes of our master ENKI.

You must always keep a candle burning for BANDAR on his altar. You should have a special altar for BANDAR if you are working with him without banishing. Every day you must place fresh bread in his bowl. You will notice that the bread may become rock hard in only the space of one day. Every day you must burn pine and sandalwood incense for BANDAR. Within the space of every 3 days you must perform the Aga Mass Ssaratu.

If BANDAR is hungry before then he will let you know by tapping on walls doors and windows. He will also try to communicate with you in this fashion. With all lights off with the exception of his candle you might see strange shapes appear in the shadows behind the candle such as a warrior with a helmet. If you want BANDAR to follow you or in the event you need to summon him for help say BANDAR COME and he will either appear hovering in the air over your back or appear as a dog walking behind you. You will feel a cold sensation in the place where he is. The energy there will be a few degrees below surrounding area. You will get a sense of heaviness and be able to feel his movement. He may even manifest in pictures.

He is like a personal Jinn or servant in many ways. A spiritual guide in other ways. This will only work if BANDAR is already in the physical world. Otherwise if you need his help you must summon him with the special conjuration pg 71. For the Bandar to manifest his presence this strongly do not banish him. I burn his sacrifice every day or my wife does it. Often I will burn bread two or three times in a single day.

Think of him as your cell phone. You have to keep his battery charged. Or he will feed off of you making you tired.

Good Hunting!

This post has been edited by Edunpanna: Feb 14 2007, 11:08 AM

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Rishi Bhrigu
post Feb 14 2007, 11:14 AM
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Salutations Knight Edun
that is alot that you have uncovered about the bandar of the necronomicon.your knowledge in these matters will help many a young adept along their path..your methods i would think are more suited towards a priest of the sumerian dieties or at least someone who has taken a blood sacrifice to serving Enki.not for the fleeting ceremonial magicians who jump from ystem to system that i see alot these days..

i was previously saving this information for my upcoming ebook but seeing that we already have a discussion about this i shall just go ahead and give a few interesting information that i have encountered about the bandars in my translating of the many manuscripts.

You are right that the bandar has many characteristics of a avenging angel and also has the bio electricity similar to a Jinn.i think advanced practitioners of magickal work will know what im talking about.what i encountered was that these bandars have been summoned through out the ages even before the necronomicon came into existence.this is a kick in the face who questioned the watchers presence in the book of simon and about how it has no place in sumerian magick.there definitely is,

Muslim yogis and sufis have called these bandars by another name.tey are known as Khodam..

these entities are supposed to be an intermediate class between angels and jinns and therefore having the characteristics of both.These khodams were created to be guardians of humanity and are under a contract to serve only for good purposes.they will turn on the user if they try and use them for evil purposes.this is because they evolve thru helping the magician in his magickal working just as the magician evolves.they can get more powerful or less more spiritual or less along with the magician.this leads me to believe their evolution is closely linked to the magicians and therefore they have dual identities one as the khodam ad the other as the magicians future self.The bandar and the magician are one.

a period of cleansing is required before one calls upon the khodam as an unclean mental or astral plane will also evoke a khodam of a similar charcter.also the khodam can be tainted if the magician starts doing magick that breaks the divine contract and the future of both the khodam and the magician are the same.So just as the magician unknowingly becomes evil,so does the khodam.

My research so far has led me to believe that the Nec watchers Are the ancient Khodams of eastern magick and they are definitely linked to the yakshas/veers of hindu tantrik occult.I also believe in the dual identity of the bandar/khodam as both a separate entity of a different class and at the same time the magicians future self.i am still in the process of translating the scripts and will uncover more secrets about the watchers/bandar/khodam along the way which i will write in my book.

For now i can say, Bandar and the Magician are One..

This post has been edited by Rishi Bhrigu: Feb 14 2007, 11:37 AM

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post Feb 14 2007, 11:20 AM
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Everyone I know who is currently using this higher method has performed a blood oath to Enki.

I am very interested in the Islamic calling of this spirit. I know of it being used by the Sufi, Indians, and Tibetans. I think that because the callings are different what manifests is slightly different but definitely connected.

Please tell us of your method and that of the Sufis.


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post Feb 14 2007, 12:44 PM
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hey there rishi...really interesting information you have there about bandar and the khodom.and about the double identity of the
entity as both a separate being and the future self of the magickal worker.i think brother smasher666 also said something like this before..and brother mystick has also said about the connection btw the bandar and the hindu Veer entity.i do realise that you have been gracious enough to reveal information meant for your hard work and researched book.and i appreciate it alot.guess we will have to wait for your book to reveal more secrets then.good luck with your book. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)

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post Feb 14 2007, 07:55 PM
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Greetings 'OmNamaShivaya,

I did mention this before. Mystick has a thread somewhere on calling the Indian version. There is a post somewhere else on the Muslim version.

I will try to find those posts and paste links here.

I found Mow's post here http://www.sacred-magick.org/index.php?act...st=0#entry16609

What Mystick is reffering to is the Veer Sadha link here to that thread. http://www.sacred-magick.org/index.php?s=&...indpost&p=15959


This post has been edited by Edunpanna: Feb 14 2007, 11:27 PM

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post Feb 14 2007, 11:16 PM
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One thing I have noticed about BANDAR is if you banish him for a few days and call him back again he seems to be stronger. Every time I have banished him and recalled him he seems more stronger and recharged. This has been my experience. Has anyone else done this?

This post has been edited by Edunpanna: Feb 15 2007, 01:08 AM


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