QUOTE(davisway @ May 6 2007, 06:27 PM)
this is my first post. i have a question about the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram.
i got into magick from the book "modern magick" by donald kraig. i got through the first three or so lessons and quit. that was a while back. now that i have more free time and my own place i feel like i can dedicate myself more to it than when i was living with other people.
anyways, my question is, when you're doing the LBRP, do you visualize the pentagrams with your eyes open or closed? because i have a hard time doing it with my eyes open and the book dosen't really say.
thanks in advance.
You can do it either way. I started with my eyes closed, and then eventually it became second nature, and I started doing it all with my eyes open. Always worked fine for me.
Visualizing with your eyes open is just something that takes time to learn how to do properly. It helps to take a little time every day to daydream while looking out the window, watching the television, etc., over time you learn to split your attention between what you're looking at and what you're visualizing.
Good luck! And welcome to the forum.