This is neither a topic in my own path, nor is it one that I am knowledgeable with. However, I have been wondering on similar topics for a while; all information should be verified by someone more knowledgeable.
Siddhis is "a magickal or spiritual power for the control of self, others and the forces of nature" ( It appears to be a process similar to Kundalini Awakening, in which one's awareness in increased to include aspects of the self and/or universe that where hided prier to that point. After such an event, the practical application of the awareness would be the "siddhis." There does not appear to be a set path or walkthrough for this. As with many other traditions it has only a philosophy, to which personal experience is added. This did not sound like what you where looking, so you will be pleased to note that there are other ways. The down sides the whole affair happens to be ether a life time of dutiful study or possible psychoses. Personally the dutiful study sounds like a more desirable route; I have included the
The search for, sadhanas leading to/designed for bringing about one or more siddhis turned up some two dozen less than help full sources, and six helpful ones.
1) Defines "siddhis."
Note: this cites, but I have been unable to find the article.
2) Siddhis, Riddhis and Mystical Experiences: This article is on the nature of Siddhis and Riddhis, with commentary on their over use in popular contexts.
Note: I have verified the quotations, but not the translations.
3) List if the nine main Siddhis and eight additional ones.
Note: cites many useful books.
4) An explanation of the use herbs in the temporary acquisition of siddhis.
Note: cites many useful books.
5) explanation of the process of achieving Siddhi through Sadhana. It gives a long and detailed overview of the process and the principles behind it.
Note: Does not cite sources; repeatable source however.
6) over view of underlining philosophy behind the system e.g. why the Siddhis are to be desired, proper way to find them.
8) A longer more historically oriented account of the philosophy.
7) A glossary of useful terms used in the preceding pages
8) Tattva-Samasa-Sutra (Summary of the Principles)
Fundamental text- a commentary on Karika (Not yet found)
9) Sankhya-Tattva-Kaumudi, or “Moonlight of the Principles of Sankhya,
Fundamental text (Not yet found)
10) Sankhya-Karika by Isvarakṛsṇa
Fundamental text (Not yet found)
11) Six Systems of Indian Philosophy; Samkhya and Yoga; Naya and Vaiseshika
by F. Max Muller ISBN: 0766142965
“The accumulated notes regarding the growth of philosophical thought and the systems of Indian philosophy. This is a more general and comprehensive account of these six systems in which philosophical thought of India has found its full realization.” –