I'm more the slow steady type myself. Its a matter of precaution I mean a person who glazes over rituals moving from one to the next at times dosen't have that awe, that reverance if you see my point. Quite happy practicing thought control and semi forgetting that I've been doing it for a year or two.
My idea with the elemental work was/is to practice according to season. No need to make another thread on it I guess.
It would involve having to wait until that specific season to start in order and would mean only spending 3 months approx on each but if done in a cycle from year to year it should work well as in help keep in tune with nature at the same time as working with said element.
Winter begins on 5-10 Nov, Samhain, 立冬 (lìdōng),
Spring on 2-7 Feb, Imbolc, 立春 (lìchūn),
Summer on 4-10 May, Beltane, 立夏 (lìxià), and
Autumn on 3-10 Aug, Lughnasadh, 立秋 (lìqiū).
And, the middle of each season is considered;
Mid-winter: 20-23 Dec, winter solstice, 冬至 (dōngzhì)
Mid-spring: 19-22 Mar, spring equinox, 春分 (chūnfēn)
Mid-summer: 19-23 June, summer solstice, 夏至 (xiàzhì)
Mid-autumn: 21-24 Sept, autumn equinox, 秋分 (qiūfēn)
From there a person can practice mixing them up to see if they've mastered them, invoking water in the summer for example to create reactions and attempt to change the climate. Also helps keep a bit of astronomical knowledge going. Best time would be the equinox.
Thing is I'm a bit lost as to getting the right element for each season, its probably in a book somewhere and should be obvious. Hope those are the right dates up there, anyway...
North - Winter = ?Earth?
?West? - Spring = ?Water?
South - Summer = Fire
?East? - Autum = ?Air?
A bit lost there .lol. Haven't given it much thought as of yet, would have to start invoking earth practicing all year through ?winter? (should be right) and then moving on to the element for spring... of course it wouldn't help if its advisable to stick to a guideline that dosen't correspond to the seasons... in that case I'll be spending a year with each element until I can begin practicing according to season.
What do you think? (IMG: