QUOTE(Thorn @ May 12 2007, 03:37 PM)
Hey, I'm dealing with a pretty interesting situation right now and was wondering if I could get some insight. I was wondering if it was possible for a person to pull aspects of an animal inside themselves without really meaning to, generally by shaman-like chanting. (The chant used as kind of an affirmational destresserizer, without really considering possible long-term effects).
Also, on a semi-related note; I read somewhere that silver can disrupt currents of magical energy, which is where the silver-meets-werewolf stories came from. Any truth in that to anyone's knowledge?
Silver is the metal associated with the moon. In observing pure silver energetically, it creates a sort of "gravity well" in the field of subtle energy, and can affect the ebb and flow much like the moon itself does. I would say it's possible it could disrupt magickal energy. However, I think the silver-meets-werewolf stories have more to do with the philosophy that 'like cures like' more prevalent in the cultures where those stories came from, while considering as they did silver to be the metal of the moon. I doubt it has to do with the actual energetic properties of silver. Silver makes an excellent metal for talismans, it's a good metal to hold energy, not particularly disruptive, per say.
As to the first part, yes, assuming that animal aspect is already associated with your nature. For instance, if the animal spirit is your totem, then spontaneous 'invocation' as it were, is certainly possible. Especially anytime you open up your energy and relax, such as in the practice of chanting spontaneously.