I cannot act from a point of non-duality.
My identity as consciousness is held together by my physical form.
I love my wife and children above other humans.
I prefer some political beliefs to others. etc
For me to say otherwise would be for me to pretend.
In my opinion I think its easier to begin from where you are.
Although I can keep my highest aspirations in mind, There is much grist for the mill here and now.
I know many 'mystics' who seem to be lost in the act of blissful repression
a tactic which often creeps up and bites them on the ass.
So although each will find their own path -
working upwards (although I prefer to think of it as inwards) suits me fine.
But then we are taking of levels of consciousness here,
and I think this may be the point of your confusion.
The trip 'up' the tree is initiatory and related to from which level of consciousness you can operate and manifest.
There are however practical exercises in the same tradition which begin by opening a channel in Kether and working down the way,
much like the mantra technique you seem to be describing - maybe there's no conflict at all? (IMG: