In the book Nightside of Eden by Kenneth Grant, he speaks about the Tree Of Death (the Qlipoth) as being somewhat outer dimensional. The way he speaks of the different spheres is in a more extraterrestrial/alien sense then how most people describe it. Most speak about the ruling demons in that sphere, as does Grant, but they make it seem more down to earth. Grant does not. The only book that I have ever found with writing similar to the way he descrbes the spheres is the Necronomicon by Simon.
Now, being the chaote that I am, I was wondering if it would be possible to use the two traditions together. Btw, the Typhonian/Setian tradition does give information about Grant's point of view, but there views are much more antagonistic. Grant tended to see the influences from certain Lovecraftian/Cthulhu Mythos entities as being negative to the planet and that some had to be stopped. I have not finished the book, but this is what I have gotten from reviews and my own reading.
For anyone interested in his books, btw, Starfire Publishing is republishing them. This is good because the books that are out already (his Typhonian Trilogies) are quite expensive. The new prints will be much cheaper.