...and having thought some more, i wanted to add some precision, and instead of eerie, go pinpoint.
all of this is certain, leftovers from the first posting:
i enjoy all seasons. and dancing; moving. misplacing, and replacing myself/ves. catching my breath, and that of others, sometimes, too. decode and encode both familiar and unfamiliar words. silence.
also, i work with energy/gies, bodies, alignment of these through dance (all the rap about movement). have a tendency to tilt towards quantum physics when observing (participating) in the world. found the forum by yet another synchronicity, when looking for information about 13 Moon Calendar and Law of Time.
and ishtar is a name which landed in me in yet another web of synchronicites, i just couldn't neglect it.
this seems to be more like it. <3
This post has been edited by ishtar: Jul 20 2006, 12:14 PM