QUOTE(gift22 @ Dec 2 2007, 09:55 AM)
exactly it switches between shaking and my heartbeat making quite a bit of sound, i only realised it was heart this morning.
Is thier anyway of solving this fear? and is you mind meant to be very wary of your body of is it meant to feel so relaxed that your just kind anware of most things.
thank you for spotting the state i was in.
I can not speak for you, so I can not tell you how to solve a fear based problem. For me, it was more like I was anxious of what to expect. The thought of being out of my body kind of pulled me back in. The half in half out sensation stills makes me feel uncomfortable and is enough to pull me back in. I am trying to figure out how to explain it. It is like your conscious mind is so used to being in its body that when it projects outward, it is uncomfortable. The vibrations can be uncomfortable to painful on its own. That was before I gained conscious control over it. I have always been able to astral project but not on command. I will check out your band when I am feeling better. At the moment I am out of wack meaning that my "gifts" are out of wack and I may end up linking to you through your music, which is a big no no at the moment.
I can't stand that state. For me, the vibrations are annoying and painful and its weird being out of sync with your body. The best thing that I could tell you is to learn to deal with them and just let yourself go.
This post has been edited by telempath: Dec 2 2007, 11:35 PM