For me the concepts of good karma and bad karma are partially irrelevant. The law or retribution and such does not totally apply in my view. However it is necessary to learn to improve your life and the lives around you, I feel this is a fundamental spiritual lesson. You are not “you” you are your “tribe”.
* Tribe I feel is all those you choose to have close to you, those you allow yourself to concern yourself with, and those for who you are vulnerable. It is those who you will displace your goals or comfort. This is usually much larger then we originally think. For example Lady Diana was part of many people’s tribes. The people at work, those you work for, your customers….
Now, there are people who we would die for without a seconds hesitation, and there are people who we would reluctantly stop our cars for and verify that they are all right and help is on the way if they are stranded. I feel all these people/things make up our greater tribe.
That part I can deffinately relate to.
I also agree with much of what you say about the actions we do being lessons on others and our self. I'd even take it to a more subtle level. Consider your thoughts, how they manifest through behavior; the things we desire and crave, our emotional being. Thoughts and emotions in a way set people up in a dualistic way. Looking at extemes thuught is the ultimate logic where as emotion is the ultimate anti-logic. On a more moderate level people generally balance these two forces. In my opinion it seems that most people are prone to acting on emotions, rather than logic, which might indicate the degree of evolution we have attained as a species and perhaps we may be wittnessing the emergance of a newer, more intellectual human -homo-superior. The spiritual relavance is in the level of awareness. Greater awareness means a greater ability to understand and grow from karmic lessons.
This new race of homo-superiors is not exclusive. I believe that ultimately this new breed of ubermench will be the majority.
But for the time being humanity can be seen in a variety of degrees of awareness. While 99% of humans are self aware, having both sentience and sapience. Yet this sense of self and individuality doesn't extend beyond the tribe. Rather the tribe molds the individual. Its much the same as a wolf pack. Then there are those who lead, the alpha of the pack if you will. Now consider the value of karmic lessons on each. In a sense the "herd" is a force and the leader, is the mind of the force. As we contiue to evolve I think it will be interesting to see how this paradigm of thought works itself out.