Greetings Jboccult!
The 'astral plane' is a place that you can accede to without sticks, powders, mirrors, wire or string. All you need is you. There are many books out there that will tell you about the 'astral plane' and how to 'get' there. Technically, you are always there. Learning about Magic will help you understand how to 'tune in' and when you do you will be far away on your journey. Robert Bruces, "Astral Dynamics" is a nice book to start. Also it would be a good idea to practice some energy work with breathing, etc. Get to know thyself is one of a mages first rules. This sounds abit remedial but I assure you it is not!
Astral projection is a term used to imply a concious transmission of conciousness into an astral body (of Light). This is where you'll find mirrored the physical universe with some important differences.Energy flow, thoughtforms and astral denizens are found thereabout. Developing your 'astral sight' will greatly enhance your experiences here even though full projection may seem hard earned. Keep working at it!
As a mage it would behoove you to have some practiced banishing rituals under your belt, as it were. Spirit contact isn't always guaranteed though you will encounter such beings occasionally.
Sacrifice is not necessary (or wanted) unless you are trafficking with, well, things that demand suggestion is to leave quickly, get ready with a banishing and go on to more savory activities.
Good luck and good journey! (IMG: