Notice the adoration to the Lord of the universe seems a bit male orientated, not that theres no duality involved but in adoration it seems that recognizing the inherent feminine aspect of the universe as a womb containing life and the necessary functions for life seems to be a better option, understanding this(in my opinion) the use of an athame in ritual is a bad option, a wand would be better... guess in a way the athame is one cutting ones way out of the womb that would otherwise contain them thus preventing realization of self but it seems to be a harsh option knowing the universe to be conscious.
In doing the adoration to the Lord of the universe and changing it to recognize the feminine, motherly aspect of the universe I've noticed an effect in regards to interaction with things general, things feel as though they are ready to bear fruit more so than would be implied if I were to adore the lord of the universe. As said its all duality but in things being dual it is at times best to recognize the appropriate aspect of that duality to interact with over the other side, the mind inherently calls to mind male orientated attributes when adoring 'the lord' and the same visa versa... concerning that Adam gives birth to Eve in the bible.
Would change the adoration and stick to it but know that adding ones own twist to things can be an act of self defeat at times, might be reasoning behind the Lord version I'm not aware of, hence this thread. .lol.
Peace M