I have just registered with the Sacred Magick Forums, and have decided that the best first order of business would be to make a formal introduction of myself. I will try to keep it short. (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I am 41 years old.
I have been interested in the occult since I was a teenager, and have read many books on the subject. My interest in the Occult has lasted for more than 25 years. I would like to say that I have been a practitioner for all this time, but that would be a lie. I suppose I am what you would call a "dabbler." I have attended some pagan rituals in local groups and more recently banished (or greatly quieted at worst) my fear of heights through the usage of "Low Magick." I consider that to be a major success and proof to me that for whatever reason, Magick does work.
There is a book on my shelf that I have owned for more than 20 years called Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig. I am sure that you are all familiar with it. I re-read it over the past couple of weeks and it has once again sparked my interested in following the outlined course work seriously. That, hopefully, is where these forums come in. I am eager to learn all I can and to delve into the work with both feet. However, I am aware of the work that is involved in becoming a true magician and know that I will need help and encouragement along the way. I am hoping to form online friendships with others who have gone before me and to soon be able to impart back to other new members of the community knowledge that I have gained in my journey.
So much for keeping it short. (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) I'm glad to be here.