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post Dec 23 2009, 05:58 AM
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Hi all,

For the past year, couple of months I have been experiencing some weird sensations while attempting, or either in sleep. I've been experiencing a feeling like I'm sinking, feels somewhat like my head is being pulled back and under? when I first started experiencing this I would get paranoid and awake, just recently I had experienced the same sensations again and went with the feeling without being worried o O ( I was going to die, things were alright ) Now when I got pass that inital feeling It felt as if I was up, I could not see my hands though for some reason shaked them about and they appeared, my room seemed to be the same, I remember opening a curtain beside my bed and looking out to what seemed the ordinary, then spun out and awoke, are these feelings typical of an out of body experience? Was I within one?

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post Feb 22 2010, 06:32 AM
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Hmm it seemed like you did. Someone else on the OOBE board posted they felt like they were sinking underwater, I've read other posts that people feel a vibration or they can't move their body. Or hear a noise, maybe you should try to do it again and see what happens?

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