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 Ast.rpg Haha, damn it!
post Jul 10 2010, 10:45 PM
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Hahaha so I'm coming back from an astral projection, ( I know I post alot of things about astral projections in this chaos magick thing)

It was like a little war between some people and a girl, who looked like a vampire (I hate vampires, lowlife demons)
but well, haha she turned out being a yokai so it was fun

suddenly, everything seemed like it was a RPG game, everybody had different abilities and we all went against her

and alot of people was killed in the process, i can sense every single sign of pain in my projections, and this was not an exception
so I was wondering

I know you can't die in a projection ( or well, you can if you're stupid enough)
But as pleasure can be almost infinite
how pain can we actually handle till our souls gets actual damaged?

Sometimes i feel like alot of little needles are hittin my body in everysingle part
and sometimes like i was being grabbed by tentacles and choke without being able to see

I know how to get rid of all that already but oh well

how are your expiriences with this? not many people have talk about the pain they go through since they get hurt when they're doing something dirty xd

but i think i have a stupid face in the astral plane or something cause i get attacked very often xD

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post Jul 10 2010, 10:58 PM
Post #2


The thing about astral torture is that it branches out into every part of you, and if the person you've upset is good enough, or is focused enough, it isn't difficult to make physical, though worse, emotional symptoms of the damage begin to grow out. For the most part, astral damage is everywhere, as is the positive aspects of astral work, and pretty much, its not exactly uncommon in everything around us, given that the physical world's been starting to populate more people. That said, when you notice it, it starts getting creepy~ its like how once you're told that the .01% of the bacteria hand sanitizer can't kill is the malignant ones. You'll start seeing the cracks, and how the participate subtly in everything you can see, touch, taste, smell, feel et cetera.

On a basic level, the pain is going to be your primary problem: pain's some form of trauma somewhere, and if you're in physical pain, its a mixed blessing. No, it doesn't mean you're special, it means your body is reacting to psychosomatic impulses strongly. I think you can guess where it goes from there, and what it means if you don't feel pain.

What makes a vampire a low-life demon, when we're just filthy mud-children playing with fire and hunks of metal? Are we working with the Monotheist paradigm that all things that aren't of God are lowlives? We all have vampiric tendencies, they are just of varying degree. What do you think seeking human validation is?

ETA: If you're going to go about hurting things in your way with what limited power and a body you need to worry about, I think that isn't very wise long term asset planning. Talking and bargaining always works if you know exactly what you're selling and buying.

This post has been edited by kaboom13: Jul 10 2010, 11:03 PM

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post Jul 10 2010, 11:20 PM
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Yea i read about the psychosomatic impulses a while ago o;
What makes them lowlife? the fact that there are demons stronger than them? xd
I just don't like them, and never will, they're annoying
and of course we're just kids playing with mud, but im not saying that all deities are lowlife ;B
just grew up hating vampires, I really don't know why haha

but thanks for your reply!

by the way, I don't hurt or kill everything around me ;B they attack me, so what am i going to do?
offer them a cup of tea while they swing their shit out on me xd?

haha and I'm much of a hikikomori, so I shouldnt have enemies D;

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post Jul 11 2010, 09:00 AM
Post #4


Oh cool~ got it.

Dunno, there are still choices you could make in situations like that. You didn't necessarily have to actually go at said girl, given that it was a multiple people on her, and its pretty obvious she was fighting for her life, and maybe terrified. I mean, these are your fights to pick, but frankly, you could have easily left her alone and vacated the situation.

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Vagrant Dreamer
post Jul 11 2010, 09:48 AM
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QUOTE(Blue Dan @ Jul 11 2010, 12:45 AM) *

haha and once i felt this ****** hand grabbing my -------- and almost making them explode and **** that was really pain full

First of all, curb your teenage hormones when you're on the forum, this kind of information is entirely inconsequential and immature - both the subject and the delivery.

Secondly - this doesn't sound like astral projection, it sounds like your imagination. Just because you sit down, have some odd body sensations, and then engage in vivid imagery, doesn't mean it's astral projection - it means you relaxed your mind enough to experience vivid mental imagery. Focusing on daydreams can create psychosomatic symptoms as well.

My suggestion is to continue to focus on the basics and attempt astral projection without allowing your imagination to get involved - if you stick with this track, you will be sidetracked and never get there. There are plenty of people here who have experienced genuine astral projection. Compare it to a virgin talking about intercourse. It's obvious.


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post Jul 11 2010, 12:53 PM
Post #6



I've seen situations similar to that. They're grisly and leave sleepless nights. I'm not one for gang rape/murder

I mean, at least the kawaii desu "I HAS NINJITSU TRAINING" isn't popping up.

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post Jul 12 2010, 03:42 AM
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QUOTE(Blue Dan @ Jul 10 2010, 11:45 PM) *
...suddenly, everything seemed like it was a RPG game, ...

QUOTE(kaboom13 @ Jul 10 2010, 11:58 PM) *
If you're going to go about hurting things in your way with what limited power and a body you need to worry about, I think that isn't very wise long term asset planning. Talking and bargaining always works if you know exactly what you're selling and buying.

I found myself agreeing with these two statements (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bigwink.gif)


I was going to leave my response just as it is above. But there is a valid question buried in this thread.

QUOTE(Blue Dan @ Jul 10 2010, 11:45 PM) *
I know you can't die in a projection ( or well, you can if you're stupid enough)... ...how pain can we actually handle till our souls gets actual damaged?

You can die anywhere, doing anything. If you're mortal, you're mortal, all the time.
Generally astral projection is not a causal factor for death though.

I may not be understanding your question clearly, but if you're asking how much 'pain' you can experience in an astral projection before it has some physical effect on you? Then I would say "a LOT". Your body and your "soul" (or whatever term) are actually somewhat more vulnerable when separated than they are when united.

The 'soul' is basically holographic in nature, so you could say lose 90% of it to energetic damage, and it would grow back if you encourage it to do so. Although it could get wrecked such that you can't regain the sensitivities, energy levels, etc. that you are used to. If that were the case, welcome to muggle-dom. The most severe spiritual damage I have experienced was self inflicted. I was rather upset with myself, which provided the motivational 'oomf', but also I was investigating the effects of 'serious' damage, and how to recover from it. It was pretty drastic, but I was fully recovered in a week or two. I have actually found emotional trauma to be far far more crippling than spiritual trauma.

The body is vulnerable to physical damage. Typically this is due to physical causes. But the application of telekinetic force, or the manifestation of material within the body, or effecting the body's normal processes, are certainly possibilities that one should be aware of. Also, a 'drastic' lack of personal energy can lead to greatly diminished health, mental capacity, Will, etc.

They work well together actually. If something tries to totally demolish your energy pattern, the body will reinforce it, and provide a framework within which it can regenerate. Meanwhile the soul is far more resilient to physical damage than the body is. They're complimentary. When separated, they are each somewhat more vulnerable... usually. I should point out that it is possible for your energy/soul to sort of evolve beyond the limits of what your body can handle, in which case being out of body might basically un-handicap your soul, allowing it to operate at full potential. That would present an exception to the general rule that they're stronger when combined. The body is always more resilient with your soul/energy inside it.

Also, "pain" is a different term than "damage". Technically pain does not cause damage, and vice versa. Although they are commonly associated, it is possible to have rather severe damage that isn't that painful, and rather severe pain that isn't that damaging.

Experiencing 'pain' in your astral body, should not overtly affect your physical body.

your eagerness to 'fight' is not just risky in the long run, it also reflects a lack of empathy and self determinism, engendering simplistic reactionary behavior instead.

This post has been edited by Kath: Jul 12 2010, 03:47 AM

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post Jul 12 2010, 09:29 AM
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your eagerness to 'fight' is not just risky in the long run, it also reflects a lack of empathy and self determinism, engendering simplistic reactionary behavior instead.

blame it on rpg's hehe.

What makes them lowlife? the fact that there are demons stronger than them? xd

Vampires aren't really lowlives if you're comparing "power". Some entities have vampiric tendencies, more like ways of feeding. and that doesn't lump them under one "degree of power" flag.

Secondly - this doesn't sound like astral projection, it sounds like your imagination. Just because you sit down, have some odd body sensations, and then engage in vivid imagery, doesn't mean it's astral projection - it means you relaxed your mind enough to experience vivid mental imagery. Focusing on daydreams can create psychosomatic symptoms as well.

My suggestion is to continue to focus on the basics and attempt astral projection without allowing your imagination to get involved - if you stick with this track, you will be sidetracked and never get there. There are plenty of people here who have experienced genuine astral projection. Compare it to a virgin talking about intercourse. It's obvious.


If the guy started with the war idea to "project" I would have figured that it's all imaginary.
I can't really agree or disagree with your reply , because I don't really know what technique did Blue Dan use, and how did he find the girl.


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post Jul 13 2010, 03:43 PM
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QUOTE(Vagrant Dreamer @ Jul 11 2010, 11:48 AM) *

First of all, curb your teenage hormones when you're on the forum, this kind of information is entirely inconsequential and immature - both the subject and the delivery.

Secondly - this doesn't sound like astral projection, it sounds like your imagination. Just because you sit down, have some odd body sensations, and then engage in vivid imagery, doesn't mean it's astral projection - it means you relaxed your mind enough to experience vivid mental imagery. Focusing on daydreams can create psychosomatic symptoms as well.

My suggestion is to continue to focus on the basics and attempt astral projection without allowing your imagination to get involved - if you stick with this track, you will be sidetracked and never get there. There are plenty of people here who have experienced genuine astral projection. Compare it to a virgin talking about intercourse. It's obvious.


Thanks for your reply, I'll never write that way again, I promise, no more teen ager talking 9)
Thanks for taking the time but, yeah i pretty much know the differences between APing, and Lucid dreaming
and yeah, this was a lucid dream

It just took me some time to think about it since i wrote this when i woke up and was all like damn!
But oh well, I'll take care from what i post from now on c; thanks again.

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post Jul 13 2010, 03:51 PM
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QUOTE(Kath @ Jul 12 2010, 05:42 AM) *

I found myself agreeing with these two statements (IMG:style_emoticons/default/bigwink.gif)


I was going to leave my response just as it is above. But there is a valid question buried in this thread.
You can die anywhere, doing anything. If you're mortal, you're mortal, all the time.
Generally astral projection is not a causal factor for death though.

I may not be understanding your question clearly, but if you're asking how much 'pain' you can experience in an astral projection before it has some physical effect on you? Then I would say "a LOT". Your body and your "soul" (or whatever term) are actually somewhat more vulnerable when separated than they are when united.

The 'soul' is basically holographic in nature, so you could say lose 90% of it to energetic damage, and it would grow back if you encourage it to do so. Although it could get wrecked such that you can't regain the sensitivities, energy levels, etc. that you are used to. If that were the case, welcome to muggle-dom. The most severe spiritual damage I have experienced was self inflicted. I was rather upset with myself, which provided the motivational 'oomf', but also I was investigating the effects of 'serious' damage, and how to recover from it. It was pretty drastic, but I was fully recovered in a week or two. I have actually found emotional trauma to be far far more crippling than spiritual trauma.

The body is vulnerable to physical damage. Typically this is due to physical causes. But the application of telekinetic force, or the manifestation of material within the body, or effecting the body's normal processes, are certainly possibilities that one should be aware of. Also, a 'drastic' lack of personal energy can lead to greatly diminished health, mental capacity, Will, etc.

They work well together actually. If something tries to totally demolish your energy pattern, the body will reinforce it, and provide a framework within which it can regenerate. Meanwhile the soul is far more resilient to physical damage than the body is. They're complimentary. When separated, they are each somewhat more vulnerable... usually. I should point out that it is possible for your energy/soul to sort of evolve beyond the limits of what your body can handle, in which case being out of body might basically un-handicap your soul, allowing it to operate at full potential. That would present an exception to the general rule that they're stronger when combined. The body is always more resilient with your soul/energy inside it.

Also, "pain" is a different term than "damage". Technically pain does not cause damage, and vice versa. Although they are commonly associated, it is possible to have rather severe damage that isn't that painful, and rather severe pain that isn't that damaging.

Experiencing 'pain' in your astral body, should not overtly affect your physical body.

your eagerness to 'fight' is not just risky in the long run, it also reflects a lack of empathy and self determinism, engendering simplistic reactionary behavior instead.

Thank you alot for this reply! Seriously its filled with amazing information!!
Ive read it about 3 times already haha. thank you I'm sorry that this is all I can say right now but I kinda have to go off line!

I don't need to quote anything in this reply since im talking about everything!
thank you Kath, and I won't be posting any immature stuff anymore u.u

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