What Do You Do If Your House Is Being Haunted? |
Pyre |
Jun 16 2010, 08:06 PM
Posts: 19
Age: N/A Gender: Male
Reputation: none
I'm still fairly new to things such as the occult, however I believe even someone like me can tell when my house is being haunted. I've been in the same house for over 8 years, and during the time I've lived there I have always felt the presence of something...not human. I don't necessarily know what it is, I assume its some type of spirit, however I do know it isn't very fond of me. When I was younger I was especially sensitive to otherworldly happenings and I believe that the entity (that I'll refer to a spirit from now on) knew this because whenever I was alone strange unexplainable things would happen to me. I would hear noises when there was no one around. Sometimes I would see the silhouette of someone behind me when there wasn't a single person in the house. But most vividly I remember the oppressive feeling of ill-intent that would follow me around when I was alone in my house. I don't know why it chose to make its presence known to me in such a way, and I can only assume its because I'm the most spiritually inclined person in my family. Anyway, this spirit caused strange things to happen in my house and haunted me for over five years. But at some point it disappeared, just vanished. It didn't make its presence known to me nor did it do anything to affect me, my family, or the objects in my house as it had done in the past. Two years passed without incident and I thought I was free of it forever; that was until a couple of weeks ago.
Several weeks back I attempted a summoning for the first time. As I began the process of calling forth the being I was trying to summon I felt the overpowering feeling of ill-will I had come to recognize, but this time I also felt malice coming from it. This feeling was so strong that I was actually worried about my safety and abandoned the summoning right away. Unfortunately I seemed to have pissed this spirit off. Ever since then it's come back in full force and has been projecting it's anger at me. My friend said it's because I tried to bring another entity into its territory. Regardless, I'm sick and tired of putting up with this spirit and essential want to show it who's boss. I didn't mess with it before because I feel that one should have a certain respect for things that are not of this world, but quite frankly I'm tired of having to deal with it. So any advice, thoughts, or information you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated.
Ethereal Sight |
Jun 16 2010, 08:22 PM
Light Wielder
Posts: 167
Age: N/A Gender: Male
From: East Coast, USA Reputation: 1 pts
QUOTE(Pyre @ Jun 16 2010, 10:06 PM) I'm still fairly new to things such as the occult, however I believe even someone like me can tell when my house is being haunted. I've been in the same house for over 8 years, and during the time I've lived there I have always felt the presence of something...not human. ... I would hear noises when there was no one around. Sometimes I would see the silhouette of someone behind me when there wasn't a single person in the house. Anyway, this spirit caused strange things to happen in my house and haunted me for over five years. But at some point it disappeared, just vanished. It didn't make its presence known to me nor did it do anything to affect me, my family, or the objects in my house as it had done in the past. ... I felt the overpowering feeling of ill-will I had come to recognize, but this time I also felt malice coming from it. This feeling was so strong that I was actually worried about my safety and abandoned the summoning right away. ... want to show it who's boss. I didn't mess with it before because I feel that one should have a certain respect for things that are not of this world
How did you perceive it as something other than human? What differentiated it from a human spirit? Did it have a different feel? Did it communicate that to you? The first time you mention it affecting objects in your house is when you tell how it went away - how was it affecting the objects? By noises do you mean voices (if so, could you understand them or not?), sounds of a living being (breathing, footsteps, etc.), or just things moving around? In here you identify ill-will and malice separately - do you mean malice as a more intense form of ill-will or something separate entirely? What did the silhouette look like? Elaborate on the strange things it made happen in your house. As far as "showing it who's boss" goes, there are a few rituals to do this. I am totally unfamiliar with rituals as I grew up performing magick without them and have always found them superfluous for all but the flash and bang of wizardry. Respect for things that are not of this world should not extend to ALL things that are not of this world - if you have a demon in your house, you get rid of it, respect or no respect - all it wants to do is harm you. I'm pretty good with ghosts, etc. - it's one of my areas of expertise. If you need anything, contact me, I'll help if I can. Sorry about all the questions, but everyone can be more accurate the more information they have.
"Take root in the ground, live in harmony with the wind, plant your seeds in the Winter, and rejoice with the birds in the coming of Spring." - Hayao Miyazaki (Sheeta from the film - Laputa: Castle In The Sky) All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law. - Voltaire I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. - Voltaire Illusion is the first of all pleasures. - Voltaire
Pyre |
Jun 16 2010, 08:55 PM
Posts: 19
Age: N/A Gender: Male
Reputation: none
Alright I'll try to answer your questions.
I can't tell you how I know it's not a human spirit. It just...didn't feel like a humans spirit. Call it a sixth sense or something but I'm just sure its not a human spirit.
As for affecting objects in my house, it would move things. Not anything big, but small things, things that you might second guess. For instance moving the pitcher we use to water plants. Everyone in my family clearly remembers setting it on the counter in our kitchen, however we came back later to find it gone. It remained missing for several months before mysteriously reappearing on our kitchen table. No one in my family had found it and we were all at a loss as to how it got there.
Concerning the noises I would hear it would vary. Sometimes it might be the sound of a chair moving across the floor, other times I could swear I heard footsteps on the stairs. I never quite heard clear voices but sometimes, very rarely, I could hear indistinct sounds that sounded like speech. It was during these times I was sure that something was moving about in my house and that this something was not of this world. However, since it never really did more than this I didn't consider it dangerous. When I saw it's silhouette it looked humanoid, but it wasn't human by our standards. I never got more than a glimpse at it though because it would always disappear before I could focus on the image.
When talking about the difference between ill-will and malice, I would say I use malice to define the spirit making clear its intent to do me some type of harm either spiritually or physically. When I say ill-will I mean that this particular spirit went out of its way to mess with me or let me know that it was there and there was nothing I could do about it. In it's own way I guess it was playing with me or teasing me, however it terrorized me when it did.
Hopefully this helps and provides some of the information you were looking for.
Ethereal Sight |
Jun 16 2010, 09:05 PM
Light Wielder
Posts: 167
Age: N/A Gender: Male
From: East Coast, USA Reputation: 1 pts
QUOTE(Pyre @ Jun 16 2010, 10:55 PM) I could swear I heard footsteps on the stairs. I never quite heard clear voices but sometimes, very rarely, I could hear indistinct sounds that sounded like speech. However, since it never really did more than this I didn't consider it dangerous. When I saw it's silhouette it looked humanoid, but it wasn't human by our standards.
The footsteps are an EXTREMELY important detail concerning the nature of the entity - did you hear "heel-toe" impact or just a thump? Was there a clicking noise like claws? The vague speech-like sounds have potential. Was the tone of the "voice" deep and rumbling, human-like or something else? Were the sounds grunts? Hisses? Moans? Humanoid but not human... I understand the lack of detail, but was it too tall? Too wide? Disproportionate? I'm sorry to be so picky, but the details are important.
"Take root in the ground, live in harmony with the wind, plant your seeds in the Winter, and rejoice with the birds in the coming of Spring." - Hayao Miyazaki (Sheeta from the film - Laputa: Castle In The Sky) All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law. - Voltaire I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. - Voltaire Illusion is the first of all pleasures. - Voltaire
NetherSpirit |
Jun 19 2010, 05:52 PM
Posts: 80
Age: N/A Gender: Male
Reputation: none
QUOTE(Ethereal Sight @ Jun 19 2010, 05:10 PM) It sounds fairy or demon from the silhouette. Due to the nature of the footstep it sounds like whatever it is is wearing boots or lacks human feet. Whispers that you couldn't understand are distinctly demonic in these circumstances - you may have been experiencing the start of a demonic haunting but then something caused it to loose power. Afterwards, trying to summon Suzaku probably infuriated it. The clues you've given me all point towards a demonic presence, but that's only my best guess based on the occurrences.
How does that all point towards a demonic presence? Please don't take this as me being rude or anything of the sort, I am by no means saying you're right or wrong here, I'd just like to know. (IMG: style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) My personal opinion, based on several encounters of my own and a lot of reading, is that at the moment there is insufficient evidence provided here to determine what it is, but what I suggest if you want to remove it from your house is to do a banishing (or have someone more experienced do it if you'd prefer), cleanse the entire house, and as I said before make sure you're protected. Also, doing regular cleansing will help to minimise unwanted spiritual activity. (IMG: style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Know thyself...
VitalWinds |
Jun 19 2010, 09:18 PM
Posts: 157
Age: N/A Gender: Male
Reputation: 1 pts
The spirit does not belong if you do not want it there. Tell it so. Draw pentagrams or hexagrams throughout your home. Will it to be gone. Tell it to be gone. And most importantly, KNOW THAT IT CANNOT HURT YOU. It can inspire emotions in you, affect your environment, or, possibly, possess you. (which it probably won't if you're aware of it.) But it can't physically affect you. Generally spirits will leave if they see they are unwanted, but this one might be stubborn. If so, use salts, smudge sticks, incense, mantras, or just shout at it and tell it to leave while bombarding it with a wave of repulsive energy. Whatever works.
Good luck!
Kath |
Jun 20 2010, 06:31 AM
Posts: 220
Age: N/A Gender: Female
Reputation: 8 pts
While it may be functionally useful to believe that an entity cannot hurt you, as that helps to alleviate one's fears (generally a good thing), it is not technically true.
Perhaps it might be better to say that "most entities cannot physically harm you", and "a lot of entities cannot psychologically or spiritually harm you, all that much".
I know what I would do with your entity... I'd say hello, and get it to open up and be more social with me. But that may not be the best move, depending on your experience. It might not even be possible, if the entity is extremely dense in it's hostility. there are other steps, like 'forcing' diplomacy, by means which would take to long to discuss here. and the very last resort being actually conflicting with the being with open unrestrained hostility.
Respect yourself, Do not tolerate poor treatment, no matter what sort of being is doing it, But don't fancy yourself the sheriff of dodge city either. Don't pick fights that may not be necessary. And be careful. Not fearful, not even timid, just careful.
also, given my impression of the expertise level involved here. I'd recommend protection in the form of calling upon a higher power for it. I wouldn't recommend direct confrontation, for you, in this case.
‘Εκατερινη γνῶθι σεαυτόν Audaces fortuna iuvat
VitalWinds |
Jun 20 2010, 01:11 PM
Posts: 157
Age: N/A Gender: Male
Reputation: 1 pts
Well, Kath does have a point. Some spirits are powerful/malign enough to affect you physically. But here's the solution to your problem: Tell this spirit that there is an occultist of local authority of sorts that believes he can bind this being to his will. (IMG: style_emoticons/default/wandwizard.gif) Send him my way. I won't mind. (IMG: style_emoticons/default/ohyeah.gif) Ask him his name. Ask him where he comes from. If I can get enough information I'll just summon him. And most importantly, tell him how arrogantly I said this. Get him nice and riled up for me. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA.....
Kath |
Jun 21 2010, 02:33 AM
Posts: 220
Age: N/A Gender: Female
Reputation: 8 pts
well, this thing hasn't really done any harm, so I don't think confrontation is necessarily the ideal solution. over time, I've made lots of mistakes, and through them learned some things. And I have sort of developed personal rules to guide my future behavior. Two stand out as particularly pertinent to this situation: 1) Do not 'fight' unless it is absolutely necessary. This can include everything from turning a cheek, to talking things out, to walking away, to cunning or glamoury or charm, or even a show of force. Even simply 'not reacting' can be a powerful tool. Exhaust your options. 2) If you do 'fight', do not hurt a being, injure it's pride, and then leave it to fester and dwell on revenge. If you do have to hurt a being, then do so decisively, and permanently. QUOTE Tell this spirit that there is an occultist of local authority of sorts that believes he can bind this being to his will. wandwizard.gif ... And most importantly, tell him how arrogantly I said this. Get him nice and riled up for me. HAHAHA heh, you know, I originally found out that entities can be *physically* dangerous, because I did just exactly what you're doing now (IMG: style_emoticons/default/bigwink.gif) it is, incidentally, the quickest & easiest way to get into direct contact with someone else's ghostie. just provoke it into making contact with you. I won't get all patronizing and say it's foolish or anything. And I won't preach the gospel of timid fearful occultists who never want to actually *do* anything. Do be careful though eh? This post has been edited by Kath: Jun 21 2010, 02:39 AM
‘Εκατερινη γνῶθι σεαυτόν Audaces fortuna iuvat
Pyre |
Aug 28 2010, 12:23 AM
Posts: 19
Age: N/A Gender: Male
Reputation: none
So this is an update for anyone that might have wanted to know how everything turned out. This past week I had the house to myself as my family was out of the state seeing my brother off to college. Therefore it was just me and my dog during the week. During that time the spirit resurfaced and began to make trouble for me. This wasn't surprising because that's how it's always been; the spirit's presence is always strongest when I'm by myself. I feel this might be because when I was a child I was constantly tormented by spirits and as a result grew to be fearful of them. However, because of that I became pretty good at making barriers, but that's another story.
Anyway so this time the spirit was really showing off this time. As I mentioned before he was making projecting that malignant aura all over the house, and this time it was making noises around the house as well. In order to escape it I went to my room, which is the only area in the house that I've been able to protect from the various entities I've encountered while living in my house. However, that particular day the spirit seemed intent on coming after me and made an attempt to enter my room. I could feel it at my door and it was trying to break through the barrier I had set up there as a child.
Eventually I could feel the barrier begin to weaken from the pressure the spirit was putting on it. At this point I became rather irritated with the spirit and it's constant attempts to mess with me so I grabbed the sword I keep next to my bed(don't judge me) and went out into the hallway outside my room. I essentially told it to stop being a punk and that if it was going to do something then it needed to do it. I then went on to say that I was tired of it bothering me all that time and that if it came after me again I wouldn't hesitate to fight it. The presence hung around for a little while longer before slinking away and that was the last I heard of it until Wednesday night.
When I went to bed that night I forcibly taken from my dream to....somewhere else. Since I am unfamiliar with dreams and their workings I don't really know what happened; if someone could explain what happened to me after reading this then please feel free. I will try to provide as much detail as I can.
In any case all I know is that one moment I was in one dream trying to help someone and the next I was pulled into something different. I was clothed in an outfit that I usually wear in dreams that require me to fight, and the fact that I had two of my swords with me further enforced this fact. I could feel an "evil" presence coming from the house so at first I was afraid to go in, but the area around my house seemed just as scary so I decided that it would be easier to defend myself inside the house than outside. When I entered I realized that while my house looked the same on the outside the inside was entirely different. It was more like a castle that with many different passages and rooms, some of which moved about while I was looking at them.
At first I was perplexed as to what I was supposed to do until I noticed one door that remained while all the others disappeared and reappeared. I went through that door and it started me on a trek through the house that involved me finding the correct door, passage, or staircase in order to advance. In some places I did indeed have to fight but for the most part my journey was uneventful. Eventually I came to the last door and opened it to find a garden in a never ending field with a single towering tree.
I instantly recognized it as a place I had created as a child. When I was younger I had quite an active imagination and built myself an entire imaginary world and two guardians to help me manage it. Originally it created it as a place to escape the loneliness I often felt as a child, but eventually "set it free" because I felt bad that I had made a world just for my own selfish needs. The garden I found myself in was located in the castle that I had created for myself during that time, however no other parts of the castle were present. I was suspicious and angry because this was a very personal place for me and I somehow knew that the spirit was waiting for me here.
I headed towards the tree because there was a small round table and several chairs there, and I knew that was where I would find the spirit. To my immense displeasure he was there and was already drinking what I assume was tea. It had taken the form of a man wearing a long hooded dark crimson robe with a hood that obscured his face; but to be quite honest I'm still not entirely sure there would have been a face/head there if the hood had been removed. He offered me a seat and a drink, both of which I refused because A: I felt violated by the fact that he had been able to get into such a private place, and B: simply because I think tea tastes disgusting. At that point he dropped the illusion of hospitality and began to get angry at me.
I'll skip all of his posturing and egotistical babble and go to the end of our conversation. Essentially we had been trading insults the entire time/airing out our grievances with each other. I basically told him that I was tired of him and the rest of his ilk always bothering me and tormenting me and that I wanted it to stop. His problem with me was that I had apparently disrespected the spirits around the area where I lived at some point and that their bothering me was my punishment. I honestly can't remember/don't know the incident that occurred and told him so, but he didn't seem to believe me. At that point I got angry and told him essentially to get lost and get the hell out of my dream(however the language I used was rather....well lets just say I used some choice words that in retrospect I probably would have been better off not saying).
I assume that my words hit a nerve because he became peeved with me and said "The person you desire will never return your feelings. You made a fool of yourself chasing after him and don't even have the decency to be properly ashamed of your behavior". This rubbed me the wrong way because he was referring to a former crush of mine who I'm still not completely over. So I took my fighting stance and told him that I was going to end him. He laughed and said "It's about time that you grew a pair" and proceeded to summon a gigantic claymore and attack me. As we fought I noticed that the landscape around us had changed and was now desolate and devoid of any vegetation. I soon realized that I was greatly outmatched and that I might have been a bit overconfident in rushing in to fight him.
But when I was sure that I would lose I felt my grandmother's presence. Ever since she died I've been feeling her presence around the house but ever since I had gotten back in town I hadn't felt her. While I didn't see her I could definitely feel her nearby and as that presence grew stronger so did I. I also noticed that I was wearing a a waist length mantle that seemed to be made out of phoenix feathers. I assume this might be because I had tried to summon Suzaku at some point. The combination of the mantle and my grandmother's spirit seemed to be enough to give me the upper hand, and I was able to defeat the spirit; although I highly doubt he's gone since he faded away after I dealt the final blow.
Ever since then I haven't felt the spirit's presence around the house, yet at the same time my grandmother's presence has diminished. I feel that maybe it's because she wanted to protect me from the spirit and now that her job was done she was moving on. I would like to believe that at least. So yeah, that's pretty much my story. I know it was long but I wanted to get it all out and give as much detail as I could. I would appreciate any comments on this matter. I haven't had a dream this vivid an a very very long time and would be interested in finding out what it all means.
Ethereal Sight |
Aug 29 2010, 12:52 AM
Light Wielder
Posts: 167
Age: N/A Gender: Male
From: East Coast, USA Reputation: 1 pts
QUOTE(NetherSpirit @ Jun 19 2010, 07:52 PM) How does that all point towards a demonic presence? Please don't take this as me being rude or anything of the sort, I am by no means saying you're right or wrong here, I'd just like to know. (IMG: style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Sorry, I just noticed this... (IMG: style_emoticons/default/oops.gif) We'll go piece by piece. It sounds fairy or demon from the silhouette. Due to the nature of the footstep it sounds like whatever it is is wearing boots or lacks human feet. If it's wearing boots it's sketchy as hell anyway since most boot-wearing ghosts are messed up in my experience and if it doesn't have human feet.... what else could it be? Whispers that you couldn't understand are distinctly demonic in these circumstances - you may have been experiencing the start of a demonic haunting but then something caused it to loose power. Demonic haunting victims almost always report hearing whispers or whispered conversations, sometimes including their name, that they could not understand. Afterwards, trying to summon Suzaku probably infuriated it. The clues you've given me all point towards a demonic presence, but that's only my best guess based on the occurrences. That's my reasoning (IMG: style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) It's just based off of my experience and the ones I've read about.
"Take root in the ground, live in harmony with the wind, plant your seeds in the Winter, and rejoice with the birds in the coming of Spring." - Hayao Miyazaki (Sheeta from the film - Laputa: Castle In The Sky) All murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law. - Voltaire I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: "O Lord make my enemies ridiculous." And God granted it. - Voltaire Illusion is the first of all pleasures. - Voltaire
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