Hi there, as it can be deduced, I am rather new to this site. I am known as Emily and while I don't mind people calling me by my name, you can also call me Elodea. I started practicing a basic form of Magick when a friend on msn spoke to me about Wicca and linked me a site. Being the typical tween, I jumped right in without a second thought or understanding. For several months it went by unnoticed till my mom caught site of the altar and explained it to me. She was rather understanding but it scared me out of practicing for nigh on 3 years. Through this, I would be muddling over the decision of really switching my life from Roman Catholicism to ahem, 'Wicca'. This would be asserted when I turned fifteen and went to a website that I will not define specifically. It was rather a good site though incidentally I would eventually leave it. I was rather unsatisfied because I was running out of posts in which I was able to give insight and activity had been becoming rather scarce (though it was probably just a temporal thing). This leads me up into today in which I've been on and off with practicing Magick, I have evolved out of three different paths in quick succession, that of Wicca, Draconic Wicca and basic Witchcraft. While I had fun playing along with those religions and as interesting as they were, I would find that they would not fit me and in a way, they only fed into fantasies that I would only now devise as unreal and quite hindering to the understanding of it. I can only describe my spirituality as very Eclectic, taking parts of what I have learned and formed my own path.
While I believe in the existence of Gods and Goddesses, I have divined it strictly to spiritual prayer and meditation. However, I also believe in the direct forces of my life, the elements. I have a belief system that relies heavily on the idea that Elements are essences that can form into anything they choose and I can in fact, communicate with these essences through vague imagery. Do these essences make me powerful? In a way. Do they enable me to cast epic fireballs of extreme force that could render my foes as useless whelps? No. they are like forces that seek to help me understand and empower my self through my own direct essence of spirit. Hopefully in a blog I can go more in depth on elemental essence...it would be nice.
To keep the introduction from being too wordy, I will conclude it here. Suffice it to say, I will enjoy speaking with all of you and hope to learn a great deal from this website.
May your respective paths guide you,
Sometimes you just got to realize humanity doesn't really care about your specialness. Which is why I kinda stopped giving a f%*! on my peculiarities.